Divorce Support, God Restoring, Healing

Don’t let your ex continue to control you

Don't let your ex control you

Don’t let your ex get what he wants and see you pull further away from God and your potential.

God never promised that our lives would be easy. In fact, He tells us that we will have pain and suffering in this world (John 16:33). But God also promises us that He will be with us through everything we go through (Isaiah 43:2). 

And that’s important because what you’re going through is not easy. Your mind is clouded with emotions and questions. You may feel like you’re stuck in a dark place and you can’t see a way out. 

Still, let me encourage you: Don’t let your current circumstances blind you from what is ahead of you. I know it looks bleak right now, but God has a plan for your future. 

He specializes in bringing beauty from ashes so things will turn around. It’s just a matter of time, and on His time.

But it is important that you know something… you have an enemy in this journey. He wants to see you fail. 

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Don't let your ex control you

The Devil is waiting for you to fall and break.  He is waiting for you to lose your faith and trust in God. He wants you to dwell in the pit of sadness and brokenness and lose sight of what God has for  you.

Like a predator, he will try to take advantage of your vulnerability. But don’t give him the satisfaction. Stand up and fight back. 

In Christ, you have the strength you need to defeat the enemy. 

Don't let your ex control you

Don’t lose sight of the promise of God for your life. Let God’s love consume you and He will show you the path to a brighter future.  You do this by making sure you are getting into his word everyday.  When you know that love God has for and what He has actually said it makes it a lot easier to let go and let God.

A few tips to focus on what God says about you, not your ex 

Don't let your ex control you

-Surround yourself with a Christian based community, and if that is not possible in person there are many online groups to connect with.  Reach out to me and I can guide you in the right direction.

-Get into His word.  This needs to happen daily.  How can you put your trust into God if you don’t know what He has said?  Or if that seems overwhelming at first then start with a daily devotional.

-Pray daily! God is there to be there for you in all moments of our lives.  He wants to be in a relationship with us.  So, talk to Him.  Express to Him where you are at and then listen.  He will comfort and guide you.

-Take daily action! This is an important one because if there is no action to backup your prayers then nothing will change.  The issue is a lot of people don’t know what that daily action looks like.  Well I made that simple with my healing journal.  I help you lay out the foundation of your healing process to help you focus on what actions you can do today.  You can easily access your free copy of the Healing Journal by clicking here.

You are not alone through this process….



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