Forgiveness Is The Foundation To Finding Yourself After Divorce

Forgiveness! Probably not the first word that comes to mind, especially after going through something as traumatic as a divorce. Try saying it again, this time slowly…for….give…ness. Did it feel heavy saying that? Do you feel a stabbing sensation in your chest? If you did, you most likely haven’t forgiven those that hurt you, and […]

8 Ways To Effectively Co-Parent

I have to admit the topic of co-parenting isn’t an easy topic when it comes time to discuss that with the couples I work with. Typically it relies on removing even more ego from the situation and to remember who is being affected by this, and didn’t choose to be. The children. The relationship may […]

3 Ways To Rebuild Your Life After Divorce

Life After Divorce Tips No one ever prepares for when their marriage would end, especially when they went before God promising for better and for worse. However, we know unfortunate situations happen, and you are left shattered, confused, guilty, and sad. After spending many years or even months together, it may seem daunting to imagine […]

You’re Still a Daughter, You’re Still a Son

Have you ever had a song get stuck in your head and it plays over and over and over? It’s like you can’t get it to turn off. You hum the melody as you hear the artist singing the words in your mind. There’s just no escaping it. Have you been there? There’s a newer […]

Coree at a Book Signing Event

Sometimes I get to offer signed copies of This Restored Heart at book fairs and local book stores. The one pictured was in Loveland in May, 2014. When you subscribe to our newsletter, I’ll keep you posted with news about book upcoming book fairs and signing events. I would love to visit with you.

God Restoring Grace

How many times have we heard… “God wants to restore…” ? However that sometimes brings up all kinds of questions and possibly feelings of not being worthy of restoration. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Psalm 23 it says “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie […]