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Overcoming Heartbreak Through Journaling

Journaling to heal from divorce

When we were kids, we all had our own diaries that we loved journaling in. We would write about our high school friends, best days ever, and crush experiences. And each time we wrote, we felt like we had shared something with a friend. We felt like we had accomplished something.

As we grow up, we tend to forget about writing altogether. We get busy with work, raising families, and managing our everyday lives. And in the midst of all that, our memories tend to fade.

But what if I told you that writing could help you recover from divorce? That’s right – divorce recovery journaling can be a powerful tool to help you heal your broken heart and start fresh again.

How Does Journaling Help?

Journaling to heal from divorce

It can help you process your emotions, work through your grief, and find closure. It can also be a way to vent your anger and pain. And it can give you the strength and courage to move on with your life.

Not to mention there is no one talking back to you when you journal.  Which is generally the opposite of what you have just been going through or currently going through.  Where it feels like everything you say has to be guarded for fear of what is coming next.  Not when you journal.  You can fully express yourself in whatever way you need to let the current emotion you are feeling pass. 

That is one of the biggest roadblocks for people going through something traumatic like divorce.  You tend to bottle up emotions which lead to deep rooted pain.  Emotions are natural but it is not natural to hold onto them.  They are meant to pass through us and help in the moment. Not months or years later.  Journaling helps facilitate this to make sure you can fully let go of the emotion.

How To Start Journaling

Journaling to heal from divorce

Here are a few tips for you to help you get going with this powerful practice.

-Set aside time! In the beginning you have to train yourself to process this way.  So, that will require you to set aside time to allow yourself to be intentional with your journaling.  Over time it will become second nature and you will be able to do it throughout your day.  But, for now setting aside time is the first step.

-Write to someone! Sometimes it helps to journal as if you are writing to someone.  It can be an actual person or not.  It just helps you feel like it is more of a conversation you are having rather than sharing your thoughts to yourself.

-Journal what you want how you want! There are no rules to doing this.  To is a time to fully express whatever is on your heart and leave it on the pages.  Don’t get caught up in over-thinking this and just let the pen flow.

-Let go of expectations! Don’t start this thinking after a week you will be healed.  That isn’t the point to go into this with deadlines and unrealistic expectations.  All that does is take the joy out of this process.  Just let yourself go.  We are so conditioned to do things that are graded, or have deadlines rather than just doing it to do it.  The best healing comes when we least expect it.

My Gift To Get You Started

Journaling to heal from divorce

I have designed a divorce recovery journal just for you!  This journal will help you sort things out step by step. It’s the perfect tool to help you on your journey towards healing. I designed it in a way that will allow even beginners at journaling to feel completely comfortable and enjoy the healing benefits of journaling.  Go ahead, click the link below to grab your healing journal, my gift to you.

Click here to download my journal gift.



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