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Destiny After Divorce Healing Journal

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably going through one of the hardest times in your life-divorce. It’s an ugly word that means so much pain and heartache. You’re probably feeling lost, confused, and alone right now. But I want you to know that you’re not alone. Millions of people go through divorce every year, and I’m one of them. I’ve been there more than once, and I know how hard it is to get through it.

But I also know that it’s possible to come out on the other side stronger and happier than ever before. And that’s what I want for you. I wrote this book, Destiny After Divorce, to help you through this tough time and come out stronger on the other side.

Book Collection

Destiny After Divorce Workbook

Divorce is never easy, but it can be a little less painful with the help of this workbook. The Destiny After Divorce Workbook is a step-by-step guide that will help you heal your broken heart after divorce. With practical exercises and faith-filled tools, you will learn how to move on from the pain of divorce and find happiness in singleness. If you are looking for a roadmap to a successful future, this workbook is for you!

Book Collection

This Restored Heart

From broken and divorced to renewed and redeemed! This book is a testimony to God’s grace in my life. He is no respecter of persons and pours His grace out in all of our lives. My journey begins in my early years, growing up in a dysfunctional family, as many of us have, through some marriages that ended in divorce, and a failed business venture that took me completely down financially. Through all my pride, self-reliance, and resulting mistakes, He never took His hand of grace, mercy, and love off of me. He blessed me with two wonderful daughters, a wise grandmother, an amazing father, and several others at the right time in my life. Sometimes the blessings of our lives occur so subtly, so gradually, that we fail to acknowledge them until after the fact, when we are able to view the whole picture from start to finish. In Jeremiah 29:11 the Lord tells us that He has a good plan for our lives, and He does! I invite you to read my story of redemption and God’s abundant grace! I hope it blesses you.

Narcissistic Abuse VIP Program

This comprehensive program serves as a vital roadmap for overcoming and healing from the unique challenges of divorcing a narcissist, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives and thrive once again.

This is $999.00 but a special of $699.00 for now


Healing After Divorce Course

With this inner healing guide and God’s guidance, you can turn this difficult time into something beautiful.

What others say about working with Coree

4.5 Review from our book reader

What I learned is how God really does still love me. I learned how to forgive myself and my ex for the choices we made that led up to our divorce. Now I feel that I have a new beginning - a new start in life.

Julie R


I went into it with such a defeated attitude. The divorce had left me feeling unwanted and unloved like debris tossed along the side of the road. But after working with Coree, I began to see things differently. I began to wear my true identity which was there all along, I just had not claimed it. I now know that I am cherished, valued, and loved - unconditionally.

Patrick M


Coree is an amazing instrument in God’s hand to facilitate an opportunity to encounter Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God continued to minister healing for months after the sessions were done. I only wish I had access to this kind of personal ministry years ago.

Stephanie S
